
I am a brown, immigrant, queer, interdisciplinary digital arts researcher who inhabits liminal, migrant spaces. My commitment to borderland research is informed by my lived experiences tumbling queerly between the nation-states of India, Canada, and the Czech Republic. My interdisciplinary art practice channels the richness of my lived experiences, its unique “streets of Mumbai” cultural underpinnings, and vibrant human and non-human interactions. Relying on a diverse body of critical thought, my MFA (University of Lethbridge) research emphasized the labor of queer ecologies in unmaking projects of imperialism and neocolonialism. My work reflects on Anna Tsing’s authorship on gaps, the boundaries of cultivated and wild landscapes in Indonesia and on Rahul Mukherjee’s autobiographical description of Mumbai, outlining the city’s endless flux of construction and collapse. In my work I seek to deconstruct imagined boundaries between civilization and wilderness, displaying sentiments of resistance and revolt against oppression and other enforced ways of living.  I am currently involved in creative research projects which center queer and Indigenous approaches to emergent and traditional technologies.

Please find a link to my resume here.

(Nayan pictured bottom left)